Updating Results

Leidos Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Savas Semirli

There are always events being held to facilitate mingling with co-workers and celebrating milestones and there are flexible work arrangements to suit your lifestyle supporting a healthy work-life balance.

What's your job about?

Leidos is a large-scale prime systems integrator. As a software engineer, I am involved in several activities that are useful to our customers and help to solve their challenges. I help build deliverable software, integrate existing software, take part in ceremonial meetings based on the software engineering methodology, and team communications both online and in-person, to ensure the works progress effectively and efficiently through the day. We utilise a fairly advanced tool stack to facilitate project management and team collaboration.

The skills and experience you learn in this role are transferable to many different roles and positions throughout the IT industry, so if you are not sure this is for you, never fear, there are a whole bunch of other things you can do.

What's your background?

I grew up in the northern suburbs of Melbourne and throughout my early school years, I was not sure what I wanted to be or what I wanted to do but I was always interested in computers. Since I was young I would help my brother in his computer business which fostered a healthy curiosity for how computers worked. Over time I understood the hardware and then began wondering about the software. For a while, the software was always an interest but I never followed that interest.

I studied business and international business at two different universities but was never really won over, I felt something was just not clicking. Later I decided it was about time I looked into IT. That was the best decision I made throughout my tertiary education. I had found what I was interested in and what I enjoyed. After my first year studying Information Technology I was so sure that this is what I wanted to do for a living I started job searching and attending job fairs as soon as I could. It was at the Big Meet that I met the representatives for Leidos at one of the stands, after about two minutes of speaking with the team I knew this was the type of organisation I wanted to work in. Further research into the company solidified this gut feeling, and so I submitted my application. The first two times I applied, I made it quite far in the application process but was unsuccessful. However I was not one to give up, the third time I applied I made it to the face-to-face interview and after a short time, I received the exciting news... I had made it through. One thing I would like anyone reading this to take away is to be persistent, and not take rejection personally, learn from it and try again. Understandably the industry is huge and thousands of applicants each just as bright and capable as the other apply to the same role, I was just humbled to be a part of the process no matter the stage. I am now in my second year working at Leidos and I cannot tell you where the time has gone, I guess time does fly when you’re having fun.

Could someone with a different background do your job?

Suppose someone wants to do the same job as you do, would that be also possible with a different background?

Yes! With an open mind and a willingness to learn, anything is possible.

What's the coolest thing about your job?

What I love about my job is the fact that as technology changes so do our approach and implementations, in turn leading to learning new things all the time. In regards to Leidos as a company, however, it is a fantastic organisation that takes great care of its employees. There are always events being held to facilitate mingling with co-workers and celebrating milestones and there are flexible work arrangements to suit your lifestyle supporting a healthy work-life balance.

What are the limitations of your job?

A steep learning curve. If one has not done anything like this before there is a fair bit to learn before being self-reliant, however again nothing an open mind and willingness to learn won’t solve. There is also the physical side, naturally, for this role you are sitting down a lot, and regular walks and exercise are your friends. Teamwork is a massive part of the job if you are alone ranger start building your team skills. In saying that however, the people at Leidos are amazing and very understanding, you’ll never feel isolated or left out, and over time you’ll be picking up the skills needed naturally.

3 pieces of advice for yourself when you were a student...

  1. Do what you enjoy!
  2. Get into the industry as soon as you can, school is great, but the industry is very different.
  3. Be persistent always!